
Resource for credential verification

GET api/accounts/validate

Validates that the credentials provided have access to the system.


Resource for dealing with resources stored in the storage system.

GET api/resources/{identifier}

Retrieves the bytes for a specific resource stored in the storage system.

GET api/resources/{identifier}/metadata

Retrieves the metadata for a specific resource stored in the storage system.

POST api/resources/search

Searches for resources according to the arguments provided.

DELETE api/resources/{identifier}

Deletes a specific resource stored in the storage system. This process cannot be reversed.

PUT api/resources

Adds a new resource to the repository. All bytes of the resource is expected to be in the request. ~50MB max resource size.

POST api/resources/copyresource

Adds a new resource to the repository. All bytes of the resource is expected to be in the request. ~50MB max resource size.

POST api/resources/multipart/initialize

Initializes a multipart upload to the repository. Uploads must be completed before the resource is available for use, or aborted if it is no longer needed.

POST api/resources/multipart/abort/{identifier}

Aborts a multipart upload that was started with <see cref="M:AbcStorage.Web.Api.Controllers.ResourcesController.InitiateNewMultipartResource(AbcStorage.Dto.Resources.InitiateNewMultipartResourceArgs)" />.

POST api/resources/multipart/upload

Uploads a portion of a resource to the repository. Part should be between 5MB and ~50MB.

POST api/resources/multipart/listparts/{identifier}

Returns basic information about which parts of a multipart resource upload has been uploaded.

POST api/resources/multipart/complete/{identifier}

Completes a multipart upload and make a resource available for usage.

POST api/resources/tagupdate

Replaces that tags associated with a resource.

POST api/resources/rename

Changes the original filename of a resource.

POST api/resources/ttlupdate

Sets a TimeToLive action on a pre-existing resource. It just ADDS an action, it does NOT remove previous actions.